
导演: Ali Khamrayev

主演: Dilorom Kambarova苏伊曼库尔·乔克莫罗夫Bolot Beyshenaliev

状态: HD

剧情: The Seventh Bullet is a Soviet Ostern film of 1972 directed by Ali Khamraev. In the same tradition a...展开s The White Sun of the Desert and The Bodyguard, The Seventh Bullet is set after the Russian Civil War which ended in the 1920s when Soviet power established itself in Central Asia in the wake of the Basmachi rebellion. Despite this slight shift in emphasis and a post-war setting, The Seventh Bullet is closer to a typical war film than other Red Westerns because of a prominence of tactical resourcefulness in the development of the plot. Although of course this is a staple of many American Westerns from John Ford's cavalry series to the many Apache war films.Despite the restoration of Soviet power in the area, Basmachis continue to arrive from across the border, bringing death and destruction to peaceful villages. One of the bands of rebels is led by Khairulla who is pitted against the militsiya (local militia) leader Maxumov. At first it seems hopeless for Maxumov as the rebels capture most of his men, winning them over to his side. He has only one strategy left; to give himself up, and try to explain to the people that Khairulla has deceived them, turning the soldiers back to revolution. Later in pursuit of his enemy, he chases Khairulla across a river. He has only one bullet left—the seventh, and he must not miss his target!收起


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青涩体验 奇幻 喜剧 
灵性之光 7.7 已完结 赞努西打开国际影坛大门的早期代表作,以繁复而疏离的形式和内省的命题著称。 藉由一心进入知名学府物理系就读的男主角,日后恋爱、辍学、逃离尘世到回归体制的过程,不断从生活、精神、 思想上发掘冲突与辩证
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婚礼 已完结 Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided
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世界旦夕之间 8.6 HD 某控制论与未来科技研究所的跨时代项目斯莫莱克戎1号,是一种应用高端技术架设微缩世界的电子怪物。它可以针对社会,经济以及政治事件做出精确的预测。由于这个研究项目的创办人兼总监沃尔摩尔教授神秘死亡,所
世界旦夕之间 犯罪 科幻 悬疑 
路德维希 8.5 已完结 故事开始于1864年的德国,年仅19岁的路德维希二世(赫尔穆特·贝格 Helmut Berger 饰)登上了王位,成为了统治巴伐利亚的国王。实际上,路德维希是一个性格非常优柔寡断的男子,根本就不适
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目击证人1973 已完结 故事讲述的是年轻的已婚女子Roberta深夜开车回家,不幸意外撞见一宗残忍的谋杀案,一位金发女子临死前恰巧倒在她的车前。当Roberta为了躲避残忍的凶手而逃走并寻求帮助报警之后,回到案发现场时,
目击证人1973 悬疑 惊悚 剧情 
冲突1973 7.7 HD 法兰克是一个年轻而富有理想的警察,他从巡警开始做起,后来成为卧底警察,虽然他的破案率很高,但他不愿意象其他警察那样收受贿赂,这使他显得和其他人格格不入。这种做法也使他身陷危机,因为他的同事们都与他
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婚礼1973 7.3 HD Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided
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阿玛柯德 8.8 已完结 ◎1975奧斯卡最佳外語片◎1974紐約影評人協會最佳導演及最佳影片三月,空氣中紛飛飄揚著輕軟絮草,教堂的鐘響迴盪在石板路上,小鎮的春天就此揭開序幕。時序回到三零年代亞德里亞海邊的小城,墨
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体验1973 7.5 已完结 一个叫穆罕默德的14岁小男孩在一家照相器材店里做勤杂工,晚上可以睡在店里。他对一个住在富人区的小姑娘产生了朦胧的爱意。一天早上,他得到机会到这个女孩家里维修照相机,但是最终他意识到自己对女孩的爱是
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石婚 7.6 已完结 影片分为两个不同的部分。第一部分由米尔恰·韦罗尤执导,描述了二十世纪初罗马尼亚一个寡妇的悲惨生活。第二部分由丹·皮察执导,讲的是一个婚礼上的新娘。米尔恰·韦罗尤(1941年出生)和丹·皮察(1
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