2015年 荣获 最第四届凤凰纪录片盛典 最佳提名奖,提名最佳传播价值奖。2016年 荣获  厦门双栖影展  最佳纪录短片奖 ,想观看全片的可联系导演版权方微信:171437160...展开0 (QQ )该片是2013年纪录片《龙老一生》的续集,也是纪录片导演蒋能杰发起的抗战老兵系列纪录片中的一部。龙运松:一名普通的中国远征军老兵,一直默默生活,不愿谈及英勇往事。龙老在耄耋之年,面对着镜头回顾自己一生;抓壮丁参军、转战南北、妻子另嫁、松山战役、接收日本投降等。而今, 当年英雄疾病缠身,晚年落寞,老无所依,一直不明白,当年就是抗日了,怎么就成了反革命和兵痞了,还想着晚年能得到国家的认可,2014年龙老归队,而葬礼的悼词让我们反思。A veteran, Mr. Long’s life was full of legend. Yet, he lived his life in silence and never told others about his experience in the battlefield. There were many scars on his body and he got three shots only in the Songshan Battle. One of them went through between the bones and the scar had been apparently seen so far.Mr. Long went to the battlefield in the year he got married, where he received a letter from his wife. It read,” I’m going to remarry, may I get your approval?” Later on, Jiang Kai Sing was defeated and asked them to go to Taiwan together. Mr. Long refused,” No, I haven’t seen my parents for years.” However, when he got back to his hometown, his parents passed away soon and his wife had got remarried for two years. After that, he never got married again and lived his whole life in loneliness.Mr. Long was defined as a bad guy or solider riffraff during the Cultural Revolution period. Afterwards, when people asked him about his experience in the battlefield, he got scared as political investigation came to his mind immediately. “I’ve explained everything in those years, why you’ve come to ask me again? I’ve explained so many times.” To get rehabilitated, he kept visiting leaders of relevant institutions. All his family persuaded him not to do so, because “You’re the Kuomintang’s solider.”He was getting worse and worse with severe stomach problems, no care from children and high medical fees. He said,” I can’t get cured. If I don’t die this year, I’ll die next year. There’s no point living for a few more years. I’d better die today and I don’t want to be human being next life. It’s too tough.”Only until 2013, the national Ministry of Civil Affairs announced official documents to rehabilitate the anti-war soldiers. Meanwhile, the ministry promised that there were funds to deal with difficulties in their old ages. When Mr. Long heard this, he could not conceal his excitement with trembling all over. He kept asking,” Is it for real?” However, he had passed away before he received the pension. In Mr. Long’s funeral, a villager announced the memorial speech loudly, which drew us into deep thought……收起


龙老 8.2 DVD


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