Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asyl...展开um against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Helena, heir to her blood, will be sacrificed by an evil entity. Helena lost her faith and disbelieves her father. Antonio must escape using his sorcerer power to rescue his daughter. For this, he must reconstruct the bond and make his daughter believe in him and in his own power.收起


噩夜军团 已完结


泰国野生猫科 HD The mysterious jungles of Thailand are home to some of the rarest wild cats on earth - the Clouded
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光荣隔离 HD 安和汉娜为逃离灾难到了一个与世隔绝的荒凉小岛。在海滩边她们发现了一所废弃的房子。对于相爱的安和汉娜来说,距离既是一种必需,也是一种折磨。汉娜脆弱的身体状况也时不时提醒着两颗孤独的心。。。
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魔幻灰姑娘 已完结
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一眼动情 已完结 Love at First Stream follows the stories of a streamer, a student, a breadwinner, and a heartthrob
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走到尽头2021 已完结 本片是2014年爆款动作片《走到尽头》的菲律宾翻拍版。讲述警察爱德蒙·威廉在匆忙奔丧的路上意外撞人,随后卷入被敲诈勒索的危险局面。在动作片领域有专攻的菲律宾导演劳伦斯·法哈多,在本片中对节奏拿捏精
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终极天堂 5.8 HD 20世纪50年代的意大利,一个充满激情的自由灵魂梦想着爱情、正义和更好的生活。但一段禁忌之恋却可能毁掉这一切。
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维京恶狼 已完结 Thale (17) has just moved with her parents to a small town after her mother has a new job in the l
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掩蔽门限 已完结 一名偏执狂的数据分析师因不断听到耳鸣而感到沮丧,他在一个临时实验室里进行了一系列家庭实验,记录了他为治疗自己的耳鸣而进行的执着尝试。但随着他的研究变得越来越黑暗和恐怖,一个可怕的秘密背后他的疯狂状
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隔离巢 HD An eighteen-years-old girl from an upper class family and a middle aged volunteer locked inside a
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森林随处可见 6.2 HD 七个催眠飘渺的赋格式小品,开始时看似无伤大雅,后来越来越激烈,直到最后在心理万花筒中推至高潮。爷爷沉默了-他还活着吗?一个人对着衣柜说话-为什么?缺席的人像幽灵一样悄悄地进入夫妻和家庭的生活和对话
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死结2021 HD A mother's dying warning fails to keep her estranged children away from the homestead. Sibling
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