Kathy is a smart and tough 1950's advice columnist at a San Francisco newspaper, with her name p...展开lastered on billboards all over the city. One day, Bill Doyle, a Los Angeles detective, walks into her office - it is instant attraction. After marrying Bill, Kathy gives up her career and becomes a homemaker. However, she is not your typical 1950's homemaker. After hosting several cocktail parties in their San Fernando Valley home, she realizes that Bill is content with his position, and shows no ambition in furthering himself. Kathy will not sit idly by while everyone around her is "moving up in the world". She personally takes upon herself the task of pushing Bill's career along, even if it comes down to murder.@www.lightyear.club收起



登龙一梦 8.1 已完结 一位记者发现一个乡下人很能侃,便把他带到电视台上镜,结果赢得了大批观众。但这位意外走红的电视明星并不就此满足,他有很大的雄心壮志,想要在政坛上发光发热。《码头风云》的编导再度合作,推出这部揭露
登龙一梦 剧情
老黄狗 8.0 已完结 故事发生在美国西部一个小村庄。父亲要离开家一段时间,嘱咐大儿子照顾好妈妈和弟弟。一条无意闯入家中老黄狗,成了家庭的一员。老黄狗年纪虽大,却忠诚而勇敢的保护了这个家。
老黄狗 剧情 家庭 西部 冒险