梦幻天体 HD中字

Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at th...展开e observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse becomes influenced by an eccentric neighbor into believing in the power of astrology, she subscribes to a weekly horoscope from a phony seer, the appropriately named Margaret Sybill. When the beautiful Mrs. Whitley reads that a new dream man will be coming soon into her life, she assumes he's taken the form of Lloyd Hunter, a handsome and dashing foreign correspondent who doubles as the neighborhood air raid warden. A frantic Bill realizes that he's going to have to keep closer track of his earthbound heavenly body if he's going to keep the prediction from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.收起


梦幻天体 已完结


三骑士 8.2 HD 硕大的包裹,便签上写着“祝唐老鸭13号星期五快乐,他那美洲的朋友”。唐老鸭见此非常快乐,连忙拆开礼物。里面是一整套放映设备以及录影带。他安装完毕,静下心观看,哈维博士为他讲述了3个禽类亲戚的故事:
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